Canada's only Industrial Strength, Commercial Grade All-in-One Fuel Enhancer
Dynamic Fluid Power is a distributor of XP3 Ultra Premium Fuel Enhancer that optimizes the fuel burn, cleans all fuel systems all while stabilizing the fuel.
This industrial fuel additive contains no fillers and has a very short payback period because of its functional components such as:
Deposit Control Detergents
Dissolves Gums, Sludge & Deposits
Stability Improvers
Stabilizes & Purifies Fuels
Combustion Improvers
Ensures a More Complete Burn with Less Emissions
Anti-Gel Cold Flow Improvers
Maintains Cold Weather Operability
Lubricity Improvers
Lubricates + Protects Entire Fuel System
Water Dispersants
Optimizes Fuels + Prevents Microbial Infestations
Safe & Environmentally Friendly
Contains No Harmful Compounds or Fillers